Glendale Farm Dairy Milk Bottle 1930
This Glendell Farm Dairy Milk Bottle is from Waterloo, Illinois Circa 1930. It is a clear pint size milk bottle and is embossed with white raised lettering.
This Glendell Farm Dairy Milk Bottle is from Waterloo, Illinois Circa 1930. It is a clear pint size milk bottle and is embossed with white raised lettering.
Circa 1920, a nice biscuit box from a long defunct Baking Company. This box is for their soda water cracker brands and is very colorful with the Orange coloring, somewhat unusual for that time period on early advertising items.
This milk bottle is from the Waterloo Milk Company and featured an orange painted label that states, “Milk Completes your Daily Meals” , Circa 1940.
This is a Stag Beer vintage lithograph sign that features the United States flag and was manufactured by the Griesedieck Western Brewery Company in Belleville, IL., Circa 1940.
This stained glass etched sign from Koenigsmark Milling Co in Waterloo, IL, Circa 1887, was a glass sliding door with a handle on it at one time.
Circa 1900 era victorian Die-cut advertising cardboard sign from the Andrew Lohr Bottling Company in Cairo, IL. This company sold a ton of soda in this area and they were in business from shortly after the civil war until around 1900. There are many soda bottles and some beer bottles from this company that are all highly sought after. Some are more rare than others however, so the value varies tremendously.
Circa 1910 Wards Orange Crush Syrup Dispenser. The Ward Brand was a very popular one in the early 1900s, and the also had a Lime and Lemon brand which have their own syrup dispensers. Syrup dispensers were used in soda fountains for years and today are highly collected. Dispensers with their original tops command the most money from collectors.
This is an Anheuser-Busch Malt-Nutrine Tin Sign, Circa 1905. It’s a self-framed tin sign with an image of women and “winged cherub” babies. This advertising sign “The Fountain of Health” was likely displayed in a doctor’s office and is considered fairly rare.
Circa 1920, the Uneeda Brand was imitated by many companies and the National Biscuit Company sued them and won all of the patent infringements. The Uneeda word was one of the most commonly used around 1900, and the product helped propel the company to the present day Nabisco Co we all know and love. A great tin box with nice color contrast on it.
Circa 1920, The Fairy Soda Crackers tin box is a very colorful biscuit box from the Snow White Bakeries out of Clinton IA, Omaha, NE, and Oklahoma City, OK.