Vintage and Antique Sign Manufacturers

H. D. Beach Sign Manufacturing Co., Coshocton, OH. Circa 1910
Since the late 1800’s, businesses used sign manufacturers to create interesting advertising signs to attract new customers. The signs were manufactured in all different shapes, sizes and material for a variety of industries. Signs were made out of materials including porcelain enamel, tin, cardboard, wood and glass mounted on wood.

Antique Advertising Signs 1870’s – 1950’s
Many signs were placed inside or outside of the neighborhood stores and businesses, and by roadsides to help promote a particular brand. Signs were also put on company trucks.
Some of the most desirable types of signs were corner signs, reverse-on-glass signs and lithographs with early scenes on lithographs. Corner signs were commonly made from tin, porcelain, brass and a glass called Vitrolite. The corner signs were placed outside the local businesses and were plentiful in the early 1900’s as revealed in old photographs. It is rare to find these signs today which makes them very valuable. These corner signs are typically worth several thousand dollars in good condition.
Here is a list of historic sign manufacturers throughout the United States. Please click on the name of each sign manufacturer for more historical background information on these companies!