This serving tray is from the Isengart Brewing Company in Troy, N.Y. A great pre-pro era metal advertising tray!
This serving tray is from the Isengart Brewing Company in Troy, N.Y. A great pre-pro era metal advertising tray!
I have always loved the image of King Gambrinus sitting on his throne with a beer in his hand while wearing his jewel filled crown. This particular porcelain sign is from the Columbus, Ohio Gambrinus Brewery Company and calls the brand a “Beer of Quality”. King Gambrinus was a mythological figure who was known for…
48th Annual Antique Bottle Show, St. Louis, MO, Sunday, March 18, 9am – 2pm Stop by the 48th Annual Antique Bottle and Jar Show this Sunday to see thousands of colorful antique glass and stoneware bottles. There will be over 115 tables worth of merchandise for sale at this show. Over the past 20 years, I…
Pictured here is an early general store or veterinary counter type display wood cabinet from the Dr. Lesure Remedy Company, based in Keene, New Hampshire. Dr. Lesure was one of the most prominent early veterinary suppliers for all medicines for livestock owners, and in particular with a focus on horse equestrian supplies.
Pictured is an amazing pre-prohibition era serving tray from the Whatcom, WA Bellingham Bay Brewing Company. This tray advertises their 3 – B Beer brand and features an image of the brewery factory building.
Before the advent of the automobile in the late 1800’s, horse’s ruled the world for transportation. No one owned a horse without a saddle if they wanted a comfortable ride, and the Meyer-Bannerman Company in St. Louis, MO led the way in the U.S. for sales of their leather saddle ware. As a non-horseman, I…
Stoneware crock with a fish on the label from the Trask Fish Company. The Trask Fish Co was in downtown St. Louis. Missouri.
An early litho from the Herman Berghoff Brewery in Fort Wayne, Indiana for their Dortmunder and Salvator Brands of Beer.
Here is a great old tin sign from the Five Jacks Brand of Whiskey. Made by the L. Michelson & Brothers Distillery in Cincinnati, Ohio. Pre-Prohibition era.
I have always enjoyed the logo incorporated here by the Parrott-Taggart Baking Company in Indianapolis, IN. After all, who couldn’t enjoy seeing a smiling moon looking pretty content eating a cracker? Similar to the pictured advertising label which was placed on the side of a wooden cracker crate, the company extensively used an image of…