Scull's Sterling Coffee Store Counter Bin, Wm. Scull Coffee Co., Camden, N.J. Ca. 1900

I love this beautiful general store coffee bin from the Wm. Scull Coffee Company in Camden, New Jersey. First the bin is so colorful, and with the waiter on the top serving a patron in a very distinguished waiter suit, how can you not love this design? I am not sure what Grinditas stands for, but you want it is pretty self explanatory, especially when the coffee brand is named “Perfection”! Old counter bins like this one from Scull’s were used from the late 1800’s into the 1930 era when the government started cracking down on people using these bins with dirty hands to scoop out beans. Hand sanitizers were not available at this time of course.

The William Scull Coffee Company was actually started by Williams father, Joab Scull in 1831. However, William took over in 1858 and renamed the company with his name. He ran it for years, and the name remained with the Scull name for years. Eventually the company was later renamed the after being bought out by the Corn Products Company in the 1950’s. The company sold the famous Bosco (from the Boscul Coffee Co) for years under their chocolate syrup label. Boscul coffee sold for years as well, leaving Camden a legacy of their Scull’s famous brand of coffee. William Scull certainly earned the legacy to be the leader of Camden’s coffee scene!