I love Meyercord wooden signs, and when they feature a factory building, it’s even better! This particular wooden sign from the Emerson Piano Company features all you can ask for, great color, a factory building, and a year for the business establishment! The Meyercord Company was based in Chicago, Illinois, and as evident by this sign, they produced advertising signs for companies from coast to coast in the United States at one time. This particular sign is rectangular in shape, and seems to be the most common of the meyercord designs, although one can find them in vertical designs, octagonal signs, and even cut out signs, although those are very rare.
The Emerson Piano Company was established as the W.P Emerson Piano Company, but later changed to simply The Emerson Piano Company. The company sold products all over the U.S., and by the late 1800’s was one of the largest makers of high end piano’s sold in the U.S. However, with time their sales eventually faltered, and with the onset of WWII coming, people did not have the interest in buying a piano, and the company folded just before the World War II started.