The use a topless nymph fairy image was perfected by the White Rock Beverage Company in Whitestone, NY as it caught the attention of men and woman alike, and led their mineral water brand to the top in sales.
White Rock Beverages is the nation’s oldest beverage company having been established in 1871, by pharmacist H.M. Colver after he purchased the White Rock natural spring and its surrounding 60 acres in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Mr. Colver built a pavilion and hotel at this location.
Colver’s sparkling water product was inspired by tales of the Potawatomi Indians and settlers who believed that the nearby White Rock natural spring had special medicinal powers. Eventually the brand attracted vacationers and people trying to take care of their health. By 1876 the White Rock Company was bottling their water throughout the U.S. and soon after, the nymph image was being distributed widely on trays, signs, and other merchandise. As a result, collectors are able to find items quite readily with the brands image still today.

White Rock Tip Tray Table Water, Whitestone, NY