Early 1900’s Whiskey Tin Serving Trays, Ceramic and Stoneware Jugs
Historic whiskey collectibles are often lithographic tin signs and metal trays. Stoneware and ceramic jugs were another common way whiskey was advertised. Small companies manufactured the jugs and also sold their whiskey products to taverns and saloons. In addition, whiskey was sold to individual consumers who would take the jugs home for their own enjoyment.
Henry P. Schroeder’s Whiskey Self Framed Tin Sign Circa 1900
The jugs used in homes were smaller in size, ranging from one half-gallon to a full gallon. Larger jugs contained two to five gallons of whiskey and those were sold to retail establishments. Many jugs displayed a specific address on them for the business but many others just showed the city of their origin. Some of the addresses on whiskey jugs were from the distiller’s private residence because the whiskey was made in their own home. Those jugs tend to be rare and therefore more valuable.
Saloons would occasionally provide a sample of whiskey in mini jugs with the tavern’s name on it as gifts to patrons. These mini jugs are very hard to find and highly collectible.
While whiskey signs and trays were not as plentiful as beer or soda signs and trays, they are still sought after whiskey collectibles. The tin signs and trays were colorful lithographs and often featured people enjoying the brand.
Whiskey Popularity and Manufacturers
In the early 1800’s, whiskey was the preferred drink because water was not always safe due to shallow wells, it looked murky and tasted bad. Since it was processed with alcohol many people thought whiskey could be healthful and invigorating. Quite a few doctors even wrote prescriptions for whiskey to treat conditions ranging from the common cold, fever, headaches, and snake bites.
Jack Daniels Whiskey Tin Sign
Whiskey Stoneware Collectibles
Whiskey remained the main drink in the United States until the mid-1800’s when the wave of German immigrants came over and brought with them their tradition of making beer which was cheaper to make and less costly to purchase. While most of the whiskey manufacturers originated in the Kentucky region, there were many distillers throughout the United States.
Some of the larger whiskey manufacturer’s such as Jack Daniels had sites all over but ended up consolidating their businesses back in the Kentucky area. Jack Daniels Whiskey is known for its square bottle but before 1870 the more rare ones were the original earthen jugs and the bottles that were oval or pear-shaped and featured patriotic emblems or U.S. presidents.
Here is a beautiful Reverse on Glass style sign from the Anton or A. Friedmann Company which was a whiskey distributor based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Royalty Club brand was one of their trademark brands and biggest sellers. This sign is beautiful and is from the pre-prohibition era when signage was much more durable and…
Here’s a great lithographic cardboard sign advertising “Fishing for Business” from the Bonnie and Company distillers in Louisville, Kentucky, just prior to prohibition starting in 1919. The graphics are interesting with a woman fishing and apparently getting her line caught on her dress, while a curious looking man is staring at her. I am not…
Featured here is a great metal serving tray advertising the Bald Eagle Whiskey brand from Sanford Petts who owned a distillery in Boston, MA prior to prohibition. This particular serving tray is a stock tray, meaning the image was one used on many trays where only the advertising changes to meet the needs of whoever…
Here is a fantastic self framed tin sign from the Paul Jones and Company whiskey, rye, bourbon and gin distillery in Louisville, Kentucky. Paul Jones was notorious for putting out a lot of quality tin signs for many of their products, but this Old Comrade metal sign was perhaps their most famous one. The slogan…
Featured here is a beautiful whiskey lithograph from the G. W. Schmidt Company in Pittsburgh, PA. This lithographic sign is from the pre-prohibition era. The Schmidt Company was a well known whiskey distiller for many years in PA.
Pictured is a colorful self-framed tin sign from the James A. Miller Whiskey Distillery, based in Paris, KY. This sign was from the pre-prohibition era, circa 1900. The Chicken Cock brand has been resurrected in the last few years, and continues to build upon the legacy of James Miller’s well selling brand from around 1900.
Featured is a rather interesting tin sign from the Old Crow Sour Mash Whiskey Brand, made by the W.A. Gaines Company. The W. A. Gaines Company started in 1868 in downtown Frankfort, Kentucky and remained in business until the start of prohibition. The use of rats crawling over the sour mash whiskey bottle baffles me,…
Featured is a stunning reverse on glass sign from the C.S. Rogers Distillery which was based in Hudson, New York. This sign is from the 1900 era and is for their Private Stock 1875 Whiskey Brand.
Featured is a beautiful sailboat scene on a metal serving tray for the J. H. Cutter Whisky brand, made by the C. P. Moorman & Company in Louisville, Kentucky. As was somewhat common around 1900, the spelling of whiskey is actually spelled as whisky on the tray, with a missing “e”. The tray is a…
Featured is a great old tin sign entitled King Bourbon, or “Two Kings”, which was a reference to the lion being the King of the Jungle, and the Bourbon itself. This sign was put out by the Morrin-Powers Company which was a whiskey distributor in Kansas City, MO prior to Prohibition. This same image was…