Bluff City Brewery Serving Tray, Alton, Illinois 1900
This is an early Bluff City Brewery Beer Tray from Alton, Illinois advertising their Pilsener Beer. Circa 1900.
This is an early Bluff City Brewery Beer Tray from Alton, Illinois advertising their Pilsener Beer. Circa 1900.
This is a metal coffee tin for the Altus Steel Cut Coffee brand made by the Amos-James Grocer Company in downtown St. Louis, MO. Circa 1910.
This is a rare serving tray advertising the Blue Wing Whiskey brand from The C. H. Wittenberg Distilling Company in St. Louis, MO. Circa 1900.
This is a great embossed stoneware coffee pot advertising the Faust Brand of coffee from C. F. Blanke Coffee and Spice Co. in St. Louis, MO. Circa 1900.
This is a reverse-on-glass post-Prohibition lighted sign from the Schorr-Kolkschneider Brewing Company in St. Louis, MO. Circa 1935.
This spectacular Pre-Pro Tip Tray features a deer for the Stag Brand from the Western Brewing Company in Belleville, IL. Circa 1910.
This is a beautiful antique porcelain sign for the Yankee Label Bread brand manufactured by The Heydt Baking Company in St. Louis, MO. Circa 1910.
This is a beautiful Crawford’s Cherry-Fizz It’s Jake-A Loo antique soda syrup dispenser from the early 1900’s.
This is a wonderful Reverse on Glass Menu Board from the Sealtest Dairy Company based in New York.
This colorful Vess Cola “No Caffein” tin sign helps date the age of the sign with the 5 cent price slogan. The Vess Soda Company was based in St. Louis, MO.