The 7 Up Brand certainly did well with their advertising slogan, “It Likes You”, considering collectors today can find many variations of advertising products with this well known and steadfast slogan the brand incorporated. This particular signs also used another commonly used slogan from 7Up on the top, where the sign says “Fresh Up With 7Up”. Both slogans were used for at least 40 years by the brand, starting in the 1920s and remaining with the drink on many point of purchase advertising items.
The 7Up brand originated in St. Louis, MO and was the creation of Sylvester Jones. Mr. Jones also created the regionally famous Vess soda brand, which was a shortened part of his first name, Sylvester. Ves from Sylvester simply became Vess for the drink. The 7Up brand eventually started using a new slogan, calling itself the ‘Uncola” around 1970.