Geo. Ringler & Co. Brewery Serving Tray, New York, N.Y. Ca. 1900.

Here’s a fabulous looking pre-prohibition era metal serving tray from the George Ringler Brewery which was located between 90th and 92nd Street and 2nd – 3rd Avenue in Manhattan. This tray advertises their Real German and Extra Pilsener styles of brews. The tray also denotes strength and purity on it, trying to differentiate themselves from their local competition it would appear. This tray is very colorful, has a nice glass of beer with a head of foam on it, just waiting for the thirsty consumer. This tray was certainly one which would catch your attention for it’s interesting tone of colors, almost pastel looking!

The George Ringler Brewery was in operation from 1872 to the start of prohibition in 1920. Located in the brewery triangle area of Manhattan, this brewery was next to the giant breweries from George Ehret and Jacob Ruppert. The Ringler brewery also produced some near beer styles of beer to help survive prohibition, however, they were unsuccessful and went out of business quickly with the new law in place. Hence, the end of another long term company due to the government intervention, putting many employees and their families sadly out of work.