Remember The Maine Serving Tray, Highland Brewing Co. Highland, IL. Ca. 1898

This particular metal serving tray featuring the slogan “Remember the Maine” was a common battle cry at the end of the 1898 Spanish-American War whereby the U.S. Maine ship was destroyed by the Spanish flotilla.  Many lives were lost when this ship was sunk, and as a result, the Americans used this as their rationale to support the U.S. war effort.   Some breweries and other businesses used this stock image of the Maine battleship as their way to help with the pro-American war effort.   As a result, collectors today can find various businesses advertising their companies on this iconic serving tray from the late 1800’s era.

Originally started as the Jefferson Brewery, the Highland Brewery was bought by Gerhard Schott from two owners in 1857 and 1866 respectively. Later Mr. Schott would rename the brewery later to the Schott Brewing Company sometime around 1905-1910. Unfortunately like all breweries, prohibition ended this breweries livelihood, or at least it was supposed to. The brewery was arrested a couple of times for selling outlawed beer during the dark days of prohibition. Fortunately the brewery was able to open once again upon the repeal of prohibition in 1933 and remained in business until 1947 at which time the Gast Brewery from St. Louis, MO bought it and ran it for a year or two making their Gast beer in Highland before it was permanently closed. Modern day collectors can find both Schott and Gast related beer advertising denoting Highland on the items from the post-prohibition era.