ZoomDetails RAHR & SONS BREWERY, MANITOWOC, WI. VITROLITE CORNER SIGN. Circa 1915Pictured here is a beautiful brass framed vitrolite glass corner sign from the William Rahr Brewing Company in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The Rahr Brewery also brewed beer in Green Bay, WI also.
ZoomDetails NATIONAL BREWING CO., NEW ORLEANS, LA. TIN FINE BEERS SIGN. Circa 1900Here is a gorgeous tin sign from the National Brewing Company in New Orleans, Louisiana. This pre-pro tin sign advertises their fine beers. Their is a companion sign to this one as well with a similar look but different wording too. Circa 1900.
ZoomDetails GERMANIA BREWING CO., LAGER BEER PORCELAIN CORNER SIGN. BUFFALO, N.Y. Circa 1900Illustrated is a beautiful porcelain corner beer advertising sign from the Germania Brewing Company in Buffalo, New York. This sign is circa 1900, and is curved so it could hang on the 90 degree angle of a building with the built in brackets on the signs backside.
ZoomDetails COLUMBIA BREWING CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. MEYERCORD ROOSTER SIGN. Circa 1905Featured is an early wood Meyercord sign from the Columbia Brewing Company based in Saint Louis, Missouri for their Banner beer brand. The sign features a rooster and the slogan, “The Cock of the Bar”. This sign is circa 1905.
ZoomDetails WEBER BREWING CO., WAUKESHA, WI. OLD FASHION BREW SERVING TRAY. Circa 1910Pictured is a nice serving tray for Old Fashion Brew which was made by the Weber Brewing Company in Waukesha, Wisconsin. This tray is circa 1910.
ZoomDetails VAL BLATZ BREWING CO., 1888 LITHO BREWER AND BOTTLER CALENDARFeatured is a nice 1888 advertising lithographic calendar from the Val Blatz Brewing Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This calendar has all of the months featured in one design, vs. the traditional monthly tabs which became more popular around 1900.
ZoomDetails GUND BREWING COMPANY, LA CROSSE WI. SERVING TRAY. Circa 1910Featured is a beautiful Gund Brewing Company serving tray from La Crosse, Wisconsin. A nice pre-pro tray with King Gambrinus featured in the center image. Circa 1910.
ZoomDetails AMERICAN BREWING CO., ABC BEER CELLULOID OVER CARBOARD SIGN, ST. LOUIS, MO. Circa 1905Featured is a beautiful celluloid over cardboard sign from the American Brewing Company in Saint Louis, Missouri. This is for their flagship ABC Brand of Beer, and trademark eagle image. A nice pre-prohibition sign!
ZoomDetails R. NAEGELI’S SONS, BREWING CO & DISTRIBUTOR, HOBOKEN, N. J. Circa 1905Featured here is one of the early curled signs from the R. Naegeli and Sons business in Hoboken, New Jersey. This sign has a similar design with a different beer listed with the same girls image featured in both. This sign is for the Imported Pilsener style of beer.
ZoomDetails GLUEK BREWING CO., VITROLITE CORNER BEER SIGN, MINNEAPOLIS, MN. Circa 1910.A stunning vitrolite corner sign from the Gluek Brewing Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota manufactured before Prohibition started in 1919.