The Antique Advertising Expert at The Antique Advertising Association of America Convention
The Antique Advertising Expert presented “A History in Breweriana Advertising” at the 2015 Convention for The Antique Advertising Association of America. The national convention was held in Reading, Pennsylvania on Wed. July 22 – Sat. July 25, 2015.
Based on a review in the Association’s Past Times newsletter, “The lush and varied art forms characterizing Breweriana advertising were highlighted in this entertaining presentation by Randy Huetsch.
Randy provided a detailed walk through of the history of advertising for beer-related products.

Breweriana Antique Advertising Collectibles

Terre Haute Brewing Co Horse Drawn Wagon, Circa 1910
He included images of old factories and saloons as well as a myriad of photos of beautiful signs and other advertising items. His presentation took a humor turn when he demonstrated how children, babies, and even animals have been capitalized on as images in period advertising of beer-related products.”
To learn more about Breweriana, visit Antique Advertising Expert – Breweriana for interesting examples of vintage beer signs, serving trays, etched glasses, tap knobs, lithograph posters, clocks, beer cans and bottles.