Hicks Capudine Liquid Headache, Fever, Colds, Indigestion Remedy Medicinal Tray. Capudine Chemical Co., Raleigh, NC
Hicks Capudine Liquid Headache, Fever, Colds, Indigestion Remedy Medicinal Metal Tray. Capudine Chemical Co., Raleigh, NC
Hicks Capudine Liquid Headache, Fever, Colds, Indigestion Remedy Medicinal Metal Tray. Capudine Chemical Co., Raleigh, NC
Knickerbocker Beer Lighted Cash Register Sign, Jacob Ruppert Brewery, New York City, NY. Circa 1940
American Brewing Co, St. Louis, MO. ABC Beer Doghouse die cut Wood Sign. Circa 1905
American Pride, The Famous Whiskey of Pekin Metal Serving Tray, Pekin, IL. Circa 1910
Bartlett Spring Mineral Water, Bartlett Springs, Lake Co, CA. Metal Serving Tray, Circa 1910. The tray features their local office address on Sutter Street in San Francisco, CA.
This is a stunning Clarke’s Pure Rye Whiskey Tip Tray, Bottled in Bond, from the Clarke’s Whiskey Company in Peoria, IL. Many of the Clarke’s whiskey advertising items featured the slogan “Bottled By The Government”.
Pictured is an early metal serving tray featuring the Tannhaueser Beer, proclaimed Seattle Finest Beer, from the Claussen Brewing Association in Seattle, Washington.
Featured is a beautiful lithographic print from the Diamond Wine Company in Sandusky, Ohio circa 1900. This print advertises their Sans Pareil and Gold Top Champagne brands and features three Victorian era woman drinking the product
The Columbia Brewing Company put out this stunning serving tray and was able to advertise all of their major brands on the inside rim including Alt Heidelberg, Golden Foam, and Golden Drops. Tacoma, WA. Circa 1905.
Featured here is an early 1900 era advertising lithographic print advertising the Duffield Brand of Whiskey, with an interesting slogan letting you know you will have a delightful after effect!